Un vis cu mi-s revista

short plays by Mihai Maximilian

Sectia Revista EN

Stage design Mihai Vălu

Coreography Rodica Dunca

Musical arrangement Călin Ionce și Petru Damșa

Cast Mircea Gligor - Portarul, Romeo, Tatăl, Costică, Ciobanul, Mirele, Aurora Prodan - Cabiniera, Julieta, Mama, Soacra, Doru Fârte și Marin Ciucă - Prietenii portarului, Nuntași, Wanda Farkaș - Tanti, Nașa, Claudia Revan - Florica, Mireasa, Dorin Griguță - Nașul, Solist vocal, Sanda Savolszky - Avocata, Solist vocal, Eugen Petrușca - Socrul, Solist vocal, Sonia Codorean - Solista, Adelina Hoban - Fifișor, Instrumentist, Petru Damșa, Vasile Pop - Instrumentiști, Rodica Dunca, Loredana Maghear, Mădălina Mare, Noemi Popa, Dorina Farcaș, Bettina Mitru, George Pop, Alexandra Alesu, Amalia Mali, Maria Șerban - Corpul de balet, Amanda Dobra, Răzvan Pașca - Solist vocal

The show is over. The scene is empty. The bored concierge begins his night round. Among the forgotten costumes and decorations, an idea is given. The lights turn on, the theatre comes to life, and the spell encircles it.
Surprising dialogues, short replicas, penetrating, subtle irony. The chaps, signed by Mihai Maximilian, are theatrically valorized by the actors' chameleonic in a show where the variety seduces through the inspired interpretations of the vocal soloists, through the choreographic valences of the ballet (from contemporary dance to the French cancan), which are exploited with meticulousness in an expressive composition, and the artistic product is exciting in the ambiance of great effect.
It's a rebuke adventure in which loneliness disappears, and the cavalcade of laughter is immortal.

Ana Liliana Ilea

Technical director and sufleur Eugen Petrușca   Lights Marin Codrea, Sandu Șimonca, Felix Mare   Sound Dan Prodan   Video design Claudiu Șteți   Video projections Teodor Molnar  

afis Un vis cu mi-s revista

Premiered at

28 May, 2017


90 minutes

Performing at

Main Hall