The accident

by William Mastrosimone

Directed by Marius Oltean

Secția Dramă EN

Translation Cătălina Mustață

Stage design Marius Oltean, Mihai Vălu

Cast Dana Ilie Bărbosu - Lorraine, Wanda Farkaș - Lorr, Doru Fârte - Berk, Adriana Covaci - Mosca

"Accident" is the story that comes to life around the drama of a woman who was younger, Lorein, a widow and a mature daughter, and who owns a herd of her own husband, Leo. He died in a road accident, in unclear circumstances. The present woman is dark; she is subdued by the past suffering, which she can not forget, and this continual nightmare tries to escape with significant amounts of alcohol.
Although not a comedy, the show has many delicious replies, especially by Lorein, a temperamental woman. The song is so written that the spectator's interest is kept alive from beginning to end. He will try to find out what is the nightmare of the past that crushes Lorein and who is actually Berk, the character who refuses to talk about his own past.

0 1 The accident 2 The accident 3 The accident 4 The accident afis The accident

Techincal director and sufleur Romok Carol   Lights Marin Codrea, Sandu Șimonca   Sound Dan Prodan  

afis The accident

Premiered at

28 March, 2013


80 minutes

Performing at

Studio Hall