House on the border

after Slawomir Mrozek

directed by Marcel Țop

Secția Dramă EN

Stage design Anca Cernea

Cast Dorin Griguța - Tata, Valeriu Doran - Socru, Aurora Prodan - Soacra, Sanda Savolszky - Nora, Eduard Bîndiu - Ghiță, Mircea Gligor - Nelu, Alexandra Vanci - Paraschiva, Petru Damșa - Cucu Bolundu, Andrei Dinu - Emisar european 1, Dan Cordea - Emisar european 2, Vameș 2, Doru Fârte - Vameș 1, Căpitan de geniu (Rezervist), Ioan Costin - Individ necunoscut(Ion Apetrii), Dragoș Călin - Emigrant arab, Claudia Revan - Emigrantă arabă, Vasile Pop - Văsălică Dobașu, Augustin Danciu - Drujbașul satului, Augustin Danciu, Alexandru Szamoși, Bogdan Dimănescu, Dan Pârje - Jandarmi vameși

Through the middle of the house, the boundary separates two worlds. It can be one of reality and one of invisible. It's difficult to respect it, and the passage on the other side can be fatal. Every movement of the characters is carefully watched. There is no more privacy, and the sacred is lost to the unknown. From somewhere far, his threads attract the characters imperceptibly. It's time for life, but the levers of freedom have been suspended. The "House on the Border" sums up a place of antagonisms, inner conflicts, formal subtleties. An exercise of the imaginary concentrator caught in the "chords" of the real, in which diplomats, customs officers are "officials" of History that account for people's lives. The living is becoming a chore, and freedom is a challenge that can hardly be achieved. History has its mechanisms of subjugation and alienation. A place of paradoxes ground by historical delusion. At the table of history, everything is accounted for. Even the charm. Even the cup of palinka.

Ana Liliana Ilea

0 1 House on the border 2 House on the border 3 House on the border 4 House on the border 5 House on the border 6 House on the border 7 House on the border 8 House on the border 9 House on the border 10 House on the border afis House on the border

Technical direction Romok Carol   Lights Marin Codrea   Technical direction & sound Dan Prodan   Prompter Maria Danciu  

afis House on the border

Premiered at

30 October, 2015


135 minutes

Performing at

Main Hall / Audience on stage