La serva padrona

by Giovanni Pergolesi

Directed by Sorina Gherman

Sectia Revista EN

Stage design Mihai Vălu

Musical directing Marius Sabo

Harpsicord Sorina Gherman

Piano Petru Damșa

Cast Cristina Bodea - Serpina, Horațiu Ruști - Uberto, George Pop - Vespone

A camera opera with three characters in which Serpina the servant tries by any means to become the missis of count Uberto's house, and alongside her colleague Vespone creates a plan to trick the count into becoming her husband.

0 1 La serva padrona 2 La serva padrona afis La serva padrona

Techincal director Eugen Petrușca   Lights Sandu Șimonca, Marin Codrea   Sound Teodor Molnar  

afis La serva padrona

Premiered at

29 October, 2013

Performing at

Main Hall