Dealer’s Choice

by Patrick Marber

directed by Victor Olăhuț

Secția Dramă EN

Stage Design Mihai Vălu

Translated by Adriana Sână

Cast Dan Cordea - Petre, Eduard Trifa - Luca, Dragoș Călin - Beni, Raul Hotcaș - Toni, Ioan Costin - Edi, Mircea Gligor - Muri

A poker game and players animated by the obsessive desire to win. They work in a restaurant. During the day, I plan to play card games, which will take place at the time of the closure after midnight. They are young, and their dreams catch their wings with the dealer playing cards. It's a rare occasion for father and son to be together. Taking on memories and carrying a life under the sign of failure, the characters forget to live. The plan to invest in a public toilet to turn it into a successful home is intensely debated, but with little chance of success.

The amusement, living, sounding of the unknown mirror the world of gambling addicts, which pass through the "illusion of power." Tragicomedia is built on the compulsive entrances of players who want to escape the world in a dangerous and insecure way. Profoundly, and humor is brilliantly exploited.

Ana Liliana Ilea

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Technical direction Felix Mare   Lights Marin Codrea, Sandu Șimonca   Prompter Maria Danciu   Sound Teo Molnar   Speciality consultant Eduard Bândiu  

afis Dealer’s Choice

Premiered at

16 October, 2016


85 minutes

Performing at

Main Hall / Audience on stage