A flea in her ear

by Georges Feydeau

directed by Gelul Badea

Secția Dramă EN

Translated by Nicolae Weisz

Stage Design Mihai Vălu

Cast Valeriu Doran - Victor-Emmanuel Chandebise/ Poche, Claudia Revan - Raymonde Chandebise, Andrei Dinu - Camille Chandebise, Eduard Bîndiu - Romain Tournel, Doru Fârte - Dr. Finache, Sanda Savolszky - Lucienne Homenides de Histangua, Dragoș Călin - Carlos Homenides de Histangua, Dan Cordea - Augustin Ferraillon, Adriana Covaci - Olympe Ferraillon, Claudiu Pintican - Etienne, Diana Podăreanu - Antoinette, Alexandra Vanci - Eugenie, Mircea Gligor - Rugby, Dorin Griguță - Baptistin

"A flea in her Ear" proposes a relationship theatre where the situation comics predominates, and situations, the more confusing and harder to solve, the more fervent they become.
The Universe of the characters is a living and always moving: the high society of the Parisian lounges, the doctor, the butler in front of his own eyes, the patrons of a luxury brothel, the Spaniard and his wife, the Scottish Englishman, all go from Hotel "Motanaşul Gentilom" At the Chandebise House, wearing the same carousel of tangles. In a fresh reading of the text, ambiguity dilates and leaves room for imagination to complement the suspense points at the end of the entangled tracks. The games of love are fragile, and we, according to Victor-Emmanuel Chandebise, "are all toys of the same lust".

Ana Liliana Ilea

0 1 A flea in her ear 2 A flea in her ear 3 A flea in her ear 4 A flea in her ear 5 A flea in her ear 6 A flea in her ear 7 A flea in her ear 8 A flea in her ear 9 A flea in her ear 10 A flea in her ear 11 A flea in her ear 12 A flea in her ear 13 A flea in her ear 14 A flea in her ear afis A flea in her ear

Technical direction Eugen Petrușca   Lights Marin Codrea   Sound Dan Prodan   Props manager Augustin Danciu  

afis A flea in her ear

Premiered at

14 April, 2016


150 minutes

Performing at

Main Hall