
after Ion Budai-Deleanu's opera

directed by Sorin Militaru

Secția Dramă EN

Stage version Radu Marcrinici și Traian Ștef

Stage Design Alina Herescu și Mihai Vălu

Composer Călin Ionce

Choreography by Emil Miheț

Choreography assistant George Pop

Cast Ioan Costin - Van Helsing, Doru Fârte - Popescu, Felix Arțuche - Ionescu, Valeriu Doran - Argineanu, Eduard Bîndiu - Florescu, Actor1, Mircea Gligor - Dada, Arghir, Claudiu Pintican - Regizorul, Sanda Savolszky - Actrița1, Asistenta1, Wanda Farkaș - Actrița2, Asistenta2, Diana Podăreanu - Actrița3, Ramona Gherghel - Iluzionista, Raul Hotcaș - Parpanghel, Dorin Griguță - Goleman, Dragoș Călin - Tandaler, Andrei Dinu - Ghiolban, Dan Cordea - Drăghici, Alexandru Costache - Judandel, Alexandra Vanci - Romica, Inna Andriucă - Brăndușa, Adriana Covaci - Țiganca1, Claudia Revan - Păunescu - Țiganca2, Camelia Strat - Nicolae, Țigăncușa, Rodica Dunca, Aurora Prodan, Loredana Maghear, Ramona Gherghel, Szasz Gyongyi, Betina Mitru, Dorina Farcaș, Noemi Popa, Marin Ciucă, Vasile Pal - Balerini, Daniel Bota, Marius Ardelean, Szoke Bertalan - dansatori ai Ansamblului Folcloric Național ”Transilvania”, Iosif Covaci - Acordeon și voce, Mădălina Costin, Răzvan Pașca, Dorin Griguța - Soliști vocali

Elated, the verses of the heroic-comic epic, interpreted in modern writing, translate an initiatory story of happiness. Following the flow of time, Vlad Ţepeş is replaced by the European Union. The Pantagruelic world of the Gypsies is disturbed by the disappearance of the Parpanghel-Romica couple. Time is expanding, knowledge is one of the Dante sensations, comic edulcorated. Scenically, a magical journey of the two protagonists is structured, with perceptions beyond the understanding of the human mind. The miraculous seen through the eyes of the Gypsies is a genuine and gentle one. TIGANANDA or Gypsy camp bears the mark of the singular detached from the lap of time. A show that reminds us that the world is a theatre, and life a dream.

Ana Liliana Ilea

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Technical direction Romok Carol   Sound Dan Prodan, Teodor Molnar   Props manager Augustin Danciu   Lights Marin Codrea, Sandu Șimonca, Felix Mare   Prompter Maria Danciu  

afis Țiganiada

Premiered at

03 June, 2016


150 minutes

Performing at

Main Hall